London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Plumstead 1893

Annual report 1893-94

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order, after the service of the proper notices, has been
complied with.
19. An order has also been made for renumbering and
renaming the houses and premises in Granville Mews, Lee,
for which notices were served in the usual manner, but in
response to a general protest to the Council by the owners
of property to be so renumbered, against retaining the
name "Granville Mews," that portion of such order has
been amended, and the whole thoroughfare will now be
known as "Myron Place."
20. The efficient watering of the public highways,
streets, and roads, about 16½ miles in length, has been
carried out as usual by the Board's horses, carts, and men,
assisted by extra horses and men engaged at contract prices,
as before, the water being supplied by the Kent Water
Works Co. at a contract rate, and during the summer
months disinfecting fluid has been regularly added
for use upon the main roads. With reference to this
department I have also to report that the painting work
to the water carts and vans has been satisfactorily carried
out by workmen employed by the Board.
Applications, Lines of Frontage, &c.
21. The various applications made to the London County
Council during the past year for erecting building and shop
fronts beyond the goneral lines of frontages in existing