London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1893

[Report on the sanitary condition of the parishes of Poplar and Bromley within the Poplar District with vital statistics]

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the Kingdom will appoint District Veterinary Surgeons who will
periodically examine the cows of milksellers, and that if any animal
be found affected with tuberculosis, or to be suffering from any other
disease, it will be either destroyed or isolated, the owner compensated,
and the milk utensils immediately sterilized. Such periodical
examinations of cows might, at the least, tend to lessen the dangers
of our milk supply, and possibly diminish the prevalence of tubercular
So far as is known there are 38 bakehouses in Poplar and 48 in
Bromley. These premises were visited in the early part of the year
by Mr. Raymond, and again at the end of the year, and on this last
occasion I accompanied him. Many of these bakehouses are underground;
this is an outcome of overcrowding districts with buildings;
they have existed for years, and are in a fairly good condition.
I only on one occasion advised the Committee that a summons
should be obtained in order to abate a nuisance existing in a workshop;
this was in the case of a sack-drying works in Chrisp Street. A
general complaint having been made by the surrounding inhabitants,
and accompanied by Mr. Raymond, I visited the premises; I also made
enquiries at the houses in the immediate neighbourhood, and came
to the conclusion that a nuisance existed which was injurious and
dangerous to health. A summons was taken out against the firm,
but was ultimately withdrawn on their undertaking to discontinue the
sack drying, and to pay the costs. Another firm in the same district
engaged in a like business discontinued the work without any proceedings
being commenced.
(Ann Street Area.)
On the 23rd June, 1893, an Official Inquiry was held at the Board
Room, by an Inspector of the Local Government Board, under