Child welfare.

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Child welfare. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


A government produced film about support given by child welfare centres that also advertises benefits such as widows' pensions, family allowance and maternity benefits. 3 segments.


UK : Central Office of Information, 1962.

Physical description

1 encoded moving image (14.23 min.) : sound, black and white



Copyright note

Crown copyright, managed by BFI.

Terms of use

Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales

Language note

In English

Creator/production credits

Made by Anvil Films Ltd. Produced by the Central Office of Information.


This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive


Segment 1 Two mothers and their children are playing in a park. Mrs Atkins is pregnant with her second child and has a 2-year-old; Mrs Grant is a widow with three children. They are joined by Mrs Carr, a new mother. They all know each other from spending time at their local child welfare centre, which is shown next. Expectant mothers visit the centre to join exercise, breathing and baby classes. The centre's health visitors also call on expectant mothers at home. Mrs Atkins wants a home birth, which is arranged by the health centre and the midwife, who coordinates with the family doctor. They are seen speaking on the telephone. The new baby is born and the centre's facilities for babies are seen; orange juice, cod liver oil and cheap second-hand baby clothing. The new mothers attend the centre to see if their babies are making normal progress. The narrator emphasises that there is an atmosphere of friendliness. A creche for older children is seen. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:35:00 Length: 00:04:35:00
Segment 2 A baby is seen being weighed. State allowances are discussed next; the mothers go to the post office to draw their family allowance, maternity grant and widow's benefits. The narrator says that these allowances are intended to ensure that no child should be deprived of the essentials of a healthy life despite the circumstances of their parents. Primary school is addressed next, where children receive a free bottle of milk and cheap school lunches. The children also have regular medical examinations. Various hearing tests, eye tests and teeth checks are seen. Time start: 00:04:35:00 Time end: 00:09:49:14 Length: 00:05:14:14
Segment 3 The narrator talks about the widowed Mrs Grant. She can receive a grant for school uniforms and can work part-time, earning up to £5 a week before taking a reduction in state allowances. She leaves her youngest child at a local nursery school when she is working. The nursery school is seen, with children painting and playing. Next the narrator discusses orphaned children. A residential nursery is seen; the children are waiting to be matched with foster parents. The Forest, a family who wish to foster, are visited by a social worker to see if they are suitable. Then a hospice for families is seen. A child care officer brings a family to stay in the hospice. Mr and Mrs Forest arrive at the residential nursery to collect their foster son. The film ends with various shots of happy children with the narrator saying that the state invests in the future of every child, ensuring they have a chance to grow into a healthy and intelligent citizen. Time start: 00:09:49:14 Time end: 00:14:23:11 Length: 00:04:33:22



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