Good health is good business.

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Good health is good business. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


A film directed at employers, giving advice on how to avoid work-related illness and injury. Examples of causes, including lifting, noise and exposure to solvents, are given, and how to minimise risk. 2 segments.


UK, 1999.

Physical description

1 encoded moving image (14.30 min.) : sound, color



Copyright note

Crown copyright, managed by BFI.

Terms of use

Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales

Language note

In English

Creator/production credits

Made by the Health and Safety Executive.


This video was made from material preserved at the BFI National Archive.


Segment 1 The narrator reads out some statistics on work-related illness and explains that the Health and Safety Executive have started a campaign to persuade managers to combat these illnesses. Strain injuries are the most common, and examples of these and how to alleviate them are shown. Hearing loss as a result of noise at work is also a risk. A pig farm is shown as an example. Personal protective equipment is one way of combatting risks such as this, but the narrator says it is best to eliminate the risk altogether. Examples of occupational dermatitis are shown. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:23:15 Length: 00:07:23:15
Segment 2 The narrator recommends that employers listen to their workforce to solve risks. The risk of routine use of solvents is discussed. The risk of using heavy or vibrating equipment is discussed. The narrator recommends that employers carry out regular examinations of workplaces and employees and keeps employees informed of possible risks. Time start: 00:07:23:15 Time end: 00:14:29:14 Length: 00:07:05:24



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